Alaska GO Team

What happens when you hop in a FORD as a TEAM. . .

Jun 22, 2023

What happens when you hop in a FORD as a TEAM. . .

Growth, bonding, and confidence happen.

For our GO Team pre-trip overnight adventure, we caravanned to Bethel Horizons in Dodgeville. “Take a ride in a FORD” was a useful tool we learned. FORD stands for Family (Who do you consider your family?), Occupy (What occupies your time?), Recreate (What do you do for fun? How do you recreate yourself?), and Dream (What dreams do you have for the future?). Our time there started on a short hike, asking these questions as a team-building activity.

The FORD task gave us a building block of confidence to continue to get to know each other. We needed that so we could work as a TEAM! TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More, a nice reminder that we all bring a useful skill set to the GO Team.

During our time at Bethel, we all experienced what it’s like to know our limits, step a little out of a comfort zone, and lean on each other for encouragement. Ziplining, becoming a giant pendulum of a swing, scrambling (or climbing) to the top of a cliff, and problem solving the low ropes could not be done alone. We didn’t just do them as a TEAM, we conquered them because we are a TEAM.

That night, refueled with a spread of tacos, we began to explore more about how we might experience time with God on the trip through devotional time, God sightings, community, and digging deeper into our life stories.

A significant part of what the team will be doing at Eaglecrest Alaska Missions is stepping into a leadership role by running a “skills club” and large group game time for middle schoolers from the community of Sutton. Our overnight adventure was a time to put their ideas into action. The teams displayed a new sense of confidence as they explained how their skills club and large group games would play out.

We hope you come back to learn more about our team and our experiences in Alaska. Until then, would you be willing to set aside some time to pray for this MSM Go Team? Next stop – Sutton, Alaska!